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Najnowsze trendy w programowaniu

Node.js makes fullstack programming easy with server-side JavaScript

Dlaczego JavaScript jest preferowanym językiem dla programistów front-end i back-end web dev.? Polecamy poniższy artykuł opublikowany na stronie The Overflow.

Web application developers are inundated with options when it comes to choosing the languages, frameworks, libraries, and environments they will use to build their applications. Depending on which statistics you believe, the total number of available languages is somewhere between 700 and 9000. The most popular—for the past nine years according to the 2021 Stack Overflow Developer Survey—is JavaScript. Most people think of JavaScript as a front-end language.


Originally launched in 2009, Node.js has quickly become one of the most widely used options among application developers. More than half of developers are now using Node.js—it is the most popular non-language, non-database development tool. It allows you to run JavaScript on the server side, which lets software engineers develop on the full web stack. 


Node.js’s popularity has snowballed for good reason. Node.js is a fast, low-cost, effective alternative to other back-end solutions. And with its two-way client-server communication channel, it is hard to beat for cross-platform development.


(What is Node.js? Why should you use Node.js? When wouldn’t you use Node.js? - czytaj więcej w artykule "Node.js makes fullstack programming easy with server-side JavaScript” https://stackoverflow.blog)


What is Node.js? Why should you use Node.js? When wouldn’t you use Node.js?


Data publikacji: 04 listopada 2021

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